CellComm of Victorville was born out of our need to communicate more effectively and efficiently with our business associates, family and friends. CellComm offers a full line of Nextel, all-in-one cell phones that include: 2-way radios, pagers, voicemail and Nextel on-line services. Most importantly, they can match the communication options needed for your specific business and personal priorities. This effective matching of services will help you save money and communicate more effectively. They pride themselves in dedicated customer service by making this their number one priority. |
CellComm offers training for their products, phone repair, loaner phones and a full line of accessories for Nextel phones. |
CellComm sells Satellite Dish systems, Surveillance camera systems and the Information Radio Transmitter System, which is designed for your specific advertising needs. |
Wendy Larabee, owner/operator of CellComm, brings over 25 years of retail sales experience. She has lived and worked in the high desert since 1991. Larabee sees positive growth in the high desert. "I would love to see more employment opportunities locally and more emphasis on shopping locally", said Larabee. Shopping locally helps every high desert resident by providing funds for our local community projects and employment opportunities. |
You Can contact CellComm at (702) 722-1790 For More Information. |